#Belovedpeople — @Trixtitsia


Beloved: Please Introduce yourself
@TrixtitsiaMy name is Trixie. People think I’m funny on the internet.


Beloved: What’s your blog/insta/twitter?
Trixie: @trixtitsia


Beloved: What do you do?
Trixie: I am a home support worker, which basically means I provide mobile nursing to people out of their homes to take the pressure off of hospitals and facilities. I also work for a developmental association and own too many clothes for someone who is in scrubs 90% of the time.
Other than that I’m all about painting and have spent the last couple years working on a stand up set for when I finally get the cajones.


Beloved: Currently listening to?
Trixie: I listen to a lot of Prof and “Like a Boss” playlist on songza. I considered turning to a life of crime so I too could afford chainz and lambos so I could call other people “thirsty” but decided against it… however… I still blame rap music for nearly corrupting me.


Beloved: How did you find out about beloved?
Trixie: An ex linked me to the unicorn exploding (rainbows) out of its butt and face. (I took a long time deciding how to describe that) It’s comforting that even if we’ve had a falling out people still can’t see unicorns without thinking of me.


Beloved: Fav outfit combo?
Trixie: I can’t get enough of oversize tanks and snapbacks with anything food on it. Pants are a prison.


Beloved: What’s your favorite design?
Trixie: I think that it’s impossible to choose but my next purchase will probably be a doge shirt. Much want. Such hilarious. Wow.


Beloved: If you ran the Instagram for a day, what would you post?
Trixie: Any excuse for ridiculous hashtags.


Beloved: Any stories of wearing beloved gear? Anything happen?
Trixie: I’m pretty sure Beloved tricking thousands of people into looking at a picture of me hungover eating pizza has been my favorite thing that’s happened. I feel like a company that I’m so pumped on shouting me out must be similar to the feeling men get when people congratulate them on their wives’ pregnancies. I just felt like “wow, people are acknowledging me for doing the thing that I think about/ wish I was doing every minute of the day.” Eatin’ Za. I will also continue to try getting free pizza for being dressed like a pizza until the end of time.


Beloved: Best part about beloved?
Trixie: It seems like nowadays everyone is an artist, and everybody wants to be a clothing line, because what better way to have your art acknowledged than have someone decide they want to wear it as a personal statement about themselves? But Beloved has obviously done something that people feel is unique. It has a magic about it and even the name gives me (more) warm fuzzies than ice cream and belly tickles. Plus… bacon onesie. Need I say more?


Beloved: One design or picture you want to see on a sweatshirt?
Trixie: There’s a wonderful picture on the interweb of a woman on a Rascal riding a unicorn that says “THANKS, UNICORN!” I’m all about that.


If you’re interested in being featured on the blog, email your info to press@belovedshirts.com
Interviewed by: Coby Gerstner. You can find me on twitter @cobyy